May 19, 2011

The end of the year

It feels weird to say I am done with my first year of college today. Seeing my side of the dorm room completely empty was very strange. After having everything I could ever need in a space and to have packed it up in 4 hours was crazy. I kind of don't want to leave. I will miss my roommate but it is time to have a new adventure which will be filled with road trips and picture taking along the way. I may even do another stop action of the places I go. Until next year RIT.

Photographer powerpoint

At the beginning of the quarter we had to make a powerpoint on a photographer that we discovered and was new to us. I really liked the other photographers that my classmates discovered.I went back to my room and looked up other bodies of work they had done.

You look just like her

I went on a first friday bus to a lot of local galleries. One in particular housed the you look just like her exhibit. I was so anxious to see this show and when I got there I was very disappointed. There was only one wall of images that looked more like photos out of a family album than anything I would expect as a thesis exhibit for graduate studies.

Ahndraya Parlato

Also for our visual journal we had to include a lecture or guest speaker. I went to see Ahndraya Parlato who was the guest speaker brought to RIT by Photo House. I was disappointed by her. She spoke a lot about what inspired her to make her work but didn't spend much time actually demonstrating her work.


One of the activities we were supposed to include in our visual journal was a collage. Here is mine. I think it describes me perfectly.

Stop Action

This project we had to create a video using still images. There was a lot of shooting involved. After all the shooting was done we were encouraged to add sound and text to the final version.

Dirty and Clean

For this assignment we had to come up with ways to interpret the words dirty and clean. We had to use two models while doing this shoot. I used my friends Sydney and Tony.

Environmental Portraits

For our 4th assignment we had to do an environmental portrait of a guy and a girl. We then had to create or find articles relevant to our photograph. Here is what I came up with.

Still Life

Our assignment was to create a studio still life using six different types of lighting.

I chose to do silhouette, accent, chiaroscuro and direct shadow. Here are the final images.

April 2, 2011

printing is horrible

So I went to go print in K-lab the other day, I should have stayed in bed.

Arrive at K-lab: 2:30pm.

3 dollars
110 minutes
2 people from the cage
3 printers
4 nozzle checks later, I have 0 prints.
It is now 4:20pm.

The 3rd printer was a good one. I managed to print 4 prints in 28 minutes.
It is now 4:48pm.

9 dollars
150 minutes
2 people from the cage
3 printers
4 nozzle checks later, I finally have my 6 prints.
It is now 5:10pm and I get to go home.

March 28, 2011

Horst p Horst

While tablesitting for MR. RIT today, I was talking to this guy John who started going on about an image in the newspaper he was reading. It was a pretty awesome image and made one of the sisters, Lauren, connect it with Irving Penn. She couldn't think of Penn's name so she had to look it up. The next thing I know is John is telling us that Horst p Horst made Irving Penn's wife,Lisa Fonssagrives,famous. Irving Penn is one of my all time favorite photographers so when I found out Horst p Horst had a similar style I knew I would greatly enjoy his work.

        Horst p Horst


       Irving Penn


March 27, 2011

Charles Pratt

Lately I have been looking at a lot of black and white photographs. I don't know what is drawing me to them but I'm glad it is. I'm sitting in the library and went to the oversized book section. I just kept pulling books off the shelf. I must have pulled four off before I found The Edge of The City by Charles Pratt. A few of the books were in black and white but didn't hold my attention. The others just didn't interest me at all. 

"This is an attempt to characterize a place that is fast vanishing-the edge of the city."
That is the first line of this book. I liked it. I also thought it went well with this picture although this isn't the picture associated with it. The wires seem to represent a much more complicated time and the quickly changing world where cities and suburbs are merging together.

Image from Robert Man Gallery

Studio Strobes

So this week we were in the studio and it was the first time I used strobes. I was overwhelmed and had no idea where to begin or even what I wanted to do. I spent 2 weeks before that trying to come up with props and ideas. I had nothing. I felt as if everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
    I was lacking creativity.
    I didn't know where to begin.
    The strobe I was using kept getting set off by Marie's strobe.
    Finally my battery to my camera died.
It was not a very productive day to say the least.
However Joe Z. started helping me and I managed to get the beginning of silhouette lighting.
Here are 2 examples of silhouette lighting.    
     this one you lose detail in the dog.
 this one you are getting more detail in the red ear, as well as the over all quality of the dog.

March 20, 2011

Delta Phi Epsilon

So this week has been crazy busy. It is rush week for my sorority, meaning events every night and a ton of fun. With this a lot of mixed emotion was brought. It is such an exciting time getting to see and talk to potential new members and being on the other side for the first time. I joined in the Fall of 2010 and just remember how overwhelmed I felt by meeting so many people in such a short time. I kept thinking to myself I should bring my camera to at least one of these events but then I would second guess myself and say it would be too awkward. I feel as if I am socially awkward and bringing my camera would only make it that much worse. I really feel I should work on this. But with the excitement also came a realization. I have my own little support system and family here in Rochester. With this knowledge I decided I would take a picture of a sister at least once a week each time being a different sister with a different fact about them. I feel this would be a good way to get to know my sister's even better since I have really only known them for 2 going on 3 quarters. Over time I hope to get a picture of every sister now and a picture of every sister to come so when it is time to graduate I can look back and remember all the good times I had with each member of this family. I will hopefully start this tomorrow as I have just thought of this. 

March 17, 2011

Lauren Joan Photography

I wanted to add a new post but didn't know on what. I decided to look at other peoples blogs and just see if anything struck my attention. I found this one and saw it was a photographers blog. I looked into her blog posts and saw some of her images. Something about the portraits she took really struck out and sort of reminded me of the environmental portraits we have to do.

March 16, 2011

Irina Werning

I was on Facebook when I saw a comment left on my friend's wall. The text said "one of the coolest photo projects I have ever seen." Seeing this intrigued me so I went to the link that was with it. Irina Werning created a project that would take people back in time mainly to their childhood. I think this would be an awesome project to work on and hopefully I will one day do something similar but for now here is an example.

March 8, 2011

I am Number Four

Recently I went to see I am Number Four with my boyfriend. This one girl who played Sarah in the film is very into photography. A scene in the movie shows her desk with a bunch of different cameras on it. I would love to have that collection. She said they all had unique styles. I hope one day I will have a collection of cameras. For now it is just me and my Canon Rebel.